Hi Todd, unfortunately it’s not a matter of equipment. The issue is evident even in VCI’s preview clip on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IjTsAhct_w (when viewed in full screen 1080p). Additionally, besides observing the issue while watching the movie (on a 42" 1080p HDTV at 10' viewing distance), I also “confirmed” it in the screenshots I took — direct captures from the source.
It’s not particularly surprising that others might not notice the issue — the effect would less pronounced at a greater viewing distance (or smaller screen). It took me about 15 minutes to notice the anomaly myself, though once I did there was no unseeing it.
It sounds like you may represent VCI, in which case please feel free to email me directly at exscind-at-gmail and we can converse privately. I would be glad to be of help if possible.